I was really pleased as the photographer really did her research! She looked into all elements of Hetty's website to try and understand the shoes and remembered everything I told her about where the materials are sourced and how they are made! We looked through some Japaneese magazines that she had... but in particular I liked a series that she showed me Martin Parr had done. I took some pics from it on my mobile...
> I like the way in one shot the shoe is out of focus, yet you can still make out it's shape and colours.
We sat in Shoreditch for 2 hours finalising ideas (and eating expensive cake) to narrow our ideas to two separate shoots.
Idea one (which I had previosuly discussed with Hetty and that she liked):
is based on someone who loves their shoes. The camera follows around a girl who just loves to look at her feet. I have many girl friends who take pictures of their shoes just because they loved them as much as they would any other object.
- Location will be discussed and arranged by me.
- A model will be required.
Idea two:
Using bright coloured backgrounds and placing the shoe on them. These pictures will be fun, vibrant product shots with real flowers out of focus in front of them. Keeping in theme with the animations and bringing the shoes to life!
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